Saturday, October 08, 2005

C'est La Guerre, Subway

This ad by the Subway chain depicts a cordon bleu chicken sandwich with the words "France and chicken, somehow it just goes together". Notice the picture of a chicken dressed like Napoleon.
Subway ran the ads in about 10 US states for nearly a month and pulled them in September following an outcry by members of the French community and some other customers who claimed to be offended.

It seems the French also lack a sense of humor about themselves. If there was no truth to the assertion they could simply laugh it off, but noooo! I mean what do they have to be embarassed about, didn't they just kick the snot out of the Ivory Coast?

The sandwich, I understand, came with a complimentary white napkin suitable for waving at the (ahem) appropriate moment.

There are rumors that other Subway ethnic dishes have been shelved; the German-Chinese Salad for instance because an hour after you eat it you're hungry for power.

The possibilities are limitless. Trackbacks at Stop the ACLU and Cao's Blog.

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